Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • Why is the June Summer Fee $225?
    • The activities fees for June include 5 weeks at $45 per week per child pay by the month.
  • If I pay for the entire month of June but my child only attends 2 weeks, do I get a credit?
    • There is not a credit to roll over. The Club plans for your child based on monthly attendance. Enough staff and supplies are secured in advanced.  
  • If child goes to visit another parent/family for the month of July but comes back in August, will they still have a spot in the Club?
    • Yes, your slot is secured. Please communicate your plans to the staff. 
  • What are members allowed to bring? 
    • Please dress your child in closed-toe shoes. If your child tends to get cold, they may bring a jacket to wear. No blankets are allowed. No electronics are allowed.  
  • Can members bring lunch?
    • Yes, your child may bring their own lunch. Please make sure it is something that does not need refrigeration or microwaving. Make sure lunch bag/box is labeled with child’s name. 
  • Are members going on field trips?
    • Yes, very year we plan fun activities. 
  • Are parents allowed to bring medicine to administer to youth if needed?
    • The Club staff are not allowed to administer medication to any child. Parent/guardian may come to administer the medication at the appropriate time. 
  • If child starts to feel sick, how many days do they stay home?
    • A child with fever will need to be fever free without fever-reducing medicine for at least 24 hours before returning to the Club with a doctor’s release note. 
  • If diagnosed with COVID-19, will a parent get their money back if their child is unable to return?
    • There are no refunds once payment is made. 
  • Will members share programming space with other age groups or only stay with their age group?
    • Youth will rotate in their age group, not sharing space with other age groups, except for club announcements in the gymnasium. At that point, the youth are still in their age-appropriate groups.  
  • Are children required to use mask and gloves?
    • Currently, we are not requiring the children to wear a mask and/or gloves. As a parent, if you choose to send your child with these protective items, we will help ensure they are worn. The Club will provide hand sanitizer and frequent hand washing throughout the day.  
  • How many adults will my child be involved with?
    • Your child could encounter 15-20 staff throughout each day. The staff and/or volunteers are not required to wear a mask or gloves but  are encouraged to do so if cleared or recovering from an illness. 
  • Why must the child's social security number or student school ID number be included in the application?
    • Many of BGCWC's grant programs (i.e., Texas AIM) are able to access your child's state test baseline information and progress scores. Please be aware that BGCWC has a secure system; so, the information will be protected.

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